As a segment of the 4th February workshop, each Project Manager (working with their Local Consultant) is asked to present a short Progress Briefing for their project. Please see the guidelines below.
This should be approximately 10 minutes (4-6 slides) and prepared in advance. Your LC will assist in this preparation, and the meetings with experts on 2-3 February will be focused on finalizing these presentations.
Performance Driven Project Management
“Preparation Guidelines” for Workshop 2 in February 2-3, 2010
As part of the two day workshop in February, each PM will be asked to report out on their PDPM project. We will be simulating a “Management Review” such as you might provide for your sponsor(s). This document provides our expectations of what we’d like you to present and how to prepare for the exercise ahead of the workshop. Your report out will serve three purposes:
1) For you to learn our recommendations for “reporting up” on projects
2) For you to practice these recommendations and get feedback
3) For you to inform us of the status of your projects so we can provide guidance as appropriate, and see what kinds of patterns come up across the projects.
Expected Contents of Your presentation
Component | Purpose |
A brief summary of project definition and outcomes | Reminds us of the ultimate purpose of the project |
The current PAC Chart for the project (also be prepared to tell us how many deliverables had an “early warning” resulting in a “new commit date” | Tells us if the team is operating from commitments yet or not |
The current Milestone Chart for the project | Tells us how closely the teams milestone dates and actual performance match the desired performance |
Short list of current project issues and how you think they might be addressed As you are identifying issues, remember all 3 sides of the project triangle (Scope, Schedule and Resources) | Tells us if there are key decisions you need made in order to get or keep the project on track |
Note: we are not asking to see the Deliverables Matrix in this presentation. We do not recommend presenting that much detail about the project upwards, unless it is specifically requested.
Additional Expectations
1. Use your Local Consultants as a resource about how to prepare for the exercise.
2. Try to get your 4-6 powerpoint slides (4 components) to your Local Consultant no later than January 29. They may have some suggested changes that need to be finalized before meeting with experts on 2-3 February.
3. It is a good idea to practice your presentation. You will be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes of presentation not counting questions and answer.
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