The KNO expert team is returning for the the next incountry visit to Nicosia. This will be the 3nd in-depth opportunity for training and coaching following the 6 weeks of distance coaching during February and March.
Incountry Visit Timetable (29 March – 10 April 2010)
This team visit will include practical training workshops with a focus on your ongoing projects. It will be intense over a period of 2 weeks. This includes a series of pre-workshop meetings, a two day Project Manager workshop and one day Local Consultant workshop, and detailed individual coaching sessions in the week following the workshop. The incountry program follows this schedule:
o March 30, 31: coaching meetings to finalize Project Briefings
o April 1st, 2nd: workshop (see enclosed agenda)
o April 5th: experts meetings with local consultants
o April 6th,, 7th: Train-the-Trainer for Local Consultants
o April 7th - 10th: individual coaching meetings with project managers
All coaching meeting times will be agreed in advance by experts, local consultants, and project managers. Please insure your availability during the dates above, although exact meeting times will be flexible.
These dates should be blocked out on your calendar already! It is important for you to attend the workshops in order to gain the ISPI certification.
1-2 April 2010 Project Manager Workshop 3
6-7 April 2010 Local Consultant Train-the-Trainer
The workshops will take place at Hotel Saray, from 9:00 – 17:00, on those days. Refreshments and lunch will be included. Dress is “business casual”. Working language is English. PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME.
The workshop will include short Progress Briefings by all project managers scheduled throughout the 2 days. The briefings should follow the criteria and example of the PDPM template presentation described below.
All participants are required to attend the PM workshop, and local consultants must attend the LC Train-the-Trainer.
Video – Success Stories
During this visit, primarily during the TOT in the second week, short video interviews will be completed with all project managers, some supervisors, and other selected parties to document the successes, types of applications, lessons learned during the past 6 months of the PDPM effort. You will be contacted in advance to schedule short imterviews with experts Mari and Anna.
Project Briefings
As a continuing segment of the 1-2 April workshop, each Project Manager (working with their Local Consultant) is asked to present a short Progress Briefing for their project. Please see the guidelines below.
This should be approximately 5 minutes (4 slides) and prepared in advance. Your LC will assist in this preparation, and the meetings with experts on 30-31 March will be focused on finalizing these presentations.
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